Friday, August 19, 2011


 She says: I.Love.This.Show. I loved it as a kid and I love it now. Between the poignant life lessons that all kids have to learn and the ahhh-mazing 90s style I will never get tired of this show. I wanted Topangas hair and am pretty sure begged my mom for a floral dress like hers in the 3rd grade. I also learned the ever important lesson that you cannot, I repeat cannot bomb mailboxes!

He says: I loved this show as a kid and it still holds up. As a comparison, Full House was a great show as a kid, but it is beyond cheesy through adult eyes. BMW is still actually funny. As a kid Shawn was my favorite character, but now I see Eric was the real highlight of the show... especially in later seasons. Its fun watching them grow up, but the early years are still my favorite. Mr. Feeny? Mr. Feeny?! MR. FEENY!!!!
  She says: I LOVE BUSTER!

He says: FOX really dropped the ball with this brilliant show. Back when it was on tv, I thought it looked awful because of the way FOX marketed it. A few years and recommendations later, I gave it a shot and it is HILARIOUS. There are so many layers of comedy here that it's perfect for repeat viewing. Each season gets a little crazier, but it never loses what makes it special or funny. Don't hold your breath for a reunion movie. GOB is probably my favorite character here, but Buster might be a close second... of course there's also Tobias... and George Michael... and you can't forget Michael...
  She says: I don't even know where to begin! I love every single character in this show, Amy Poehler is just too too funny, hands down my favorite female comedian! Aprils cynical humor, Andy's innocent ignorance, Ron's love of all things wrapped in bacon- I am LOLing just thinking about it!

He says: Why would anybody eat anything other than breakfast food? People are idiots. This show is amazing. At first I was worried it was a little too much like The Office, but it quickly grew in to its own and might even be funnier (?). Hard to say for sure which is better, but this show is incredibly funny and just keeps getting better. I'm definitely glad Andy went from clueless jerk boyfriend loser to just a clueless nicest guy ever. And the new cast additions fit in perfectly. Can't wait to see where this one goes from here (yes, this is the only show in our Top 5 that is still on the air. Sad?)

  She says: I don't like the Vampire craze. At all. So when Nate wanted me to start watching Buffy with him I was pretty skeptical. I never watched it the first time around (pretty much a self proclaimed pansy and I thought it always looked a little too dark for my taste- I was more into Clueless at the time ha ha) so I was a newbie to the whole Slayer thing. But now I am pretty much addicted and we are slowly making our way through the whole series. I love a girl who can kick butt and Angel isn't so bad to watch either ::winks::

He says: I'm not in to the vampire craze either. I'll skip my heated rant about it and skip to the part where I love Joss Whedon. I first got in to him with his run on Astonishing X-Men, then my brother recommended Firefly. Janae watched it with me and we both loved it, but it ended too soon. I knew Buffy was Joss's big hit, but growing up I always thought it was supposed to be lame. We gave it a shot and are loving it. It's got action and a surprising amount of comedy. Oh, and if Janae wants to talk about eye candy, Buffy's pretty but Cordelia gets my vote.

She says: I have the biggest crush on Bret! I can say this openly because I broke the news to the mister already. I will never get tired of this show. Its the best remedy to a crummy day because these two poor boys from New Zealand will always have it a little more rough than you but they never let that get in the way of their witty music .. Inner City Pressure? Sell a few Crazy Straws. Broken hearts? Mended with a few chords (or conchords ... if you will ... too lame?) and a few tears. I beyond recommend this show :)

He says: Who likes to rock the party? How did this show only last two seasons? HOW? It's not fair! This show is amazing. Every episode is gold! This show is endlessly quotable, the characters lovable, the songs hilarious. Some things Janae forgot to mention: cell phone camera, mermaids, David Bowie, dance floor ratios, Alby- the Racist Dragon, muggers, male prostitution, epileptic dogs, how backwards New Zealanders are, and how terrible Australians are.
New Zealand... ROCKS!!!

Well Kids- there you have it. Another Top 5 Friday. What are some of your favorite shows???

Janae + Nate

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